Monday, July 28, 2008

translating: about city's competitiveness

Here is my translate homework, please tell me whethe you can understand it. Are there something wrong in gramma and sentance structure. Please point out.
Please give me some suggestions , thanks in advance.

On 27th July, A research report on the competitiveness of global cities in 2007/2008, published by China Social science institute, released the latest competitiveness ranking of more than 500 cities around the world. Almost 100 scholars over the world and near 100 graduate students in universities such as Beijing University spent more than one year to finish this report. How many Chinese cities are on the list? How many seats does Jiangsu province get? Yesterday, journalist reached Yangzhou to get more details.

3 Asian cities on top 20
According to Ni PengFei, the research program leader and the deputy of department of housing and civil economics in China Social science institute, since 2006 the program, which consist of civil competitiveness scholars from China, American, Japan, German, Korean and other three countries, have decided to release the global cities' competitiveness research which released at Chengdu for the first time.
Ni introduced that the first report only compare and rank 110 cities all over the world, this time the number of cities involved rocketed into 500. Among these cities, the research team also did deep analysis on 150 cities and made case studies on ten of them as top competitive cities. This report also predicts the competitiveness of 500 cities based on 9 factors, including the scale of GDP, GDP per-capita, GDP per area, labor productivity, number of MNC located, number of patent application, predominance on price, economic growth and employment rate.
According to this report, the top 20 global competive cities in turn are: New York, London, Tokyo, Paris, Washington, Los Angeles, Stockholm, Singapore, San Francisco, Chicago, Toronto, Seoul, Boston, San Diego, Oakland, Helsinki, Madrid, Vienna, Philadelphia, Huston. Top 20 are the best at economic scale and development level, creativeness on technology and control ability on economics. Among them North America has ten, Europe has seven and Asia owns three. Apparently, it also shows that the most competitive districts are North America, Europe and Asia in turn.

High improvement rank of BJ, SH and SZ
On the top 500 cities list, there are 59 Chinese cities, top 5 of which is Hong Kong(26th), Shanghai(41st), Shenzhen(64th), Beijing(66th) and Marco(78th). As reporter knows, top 20 cities on economic growth are mainly in China. In some factor ranks, Chinese cities do very well: in the rank of number of MNC located, Beijing and Shanghais is the 9th and 10th at the top of the list; Taiwan is 8th at the top 10 cities of industry structure competitiveness; BJ is the 16th in top 20 cities on human resource competitiveness; in top 10 cities on soft competitiveness, Hong Kong locates the 3rd; in top 20 cities on global contact competitiveness, Shanghai is the 14th and Hong Kong is the 17th. Remarkably, two Chinese cities, Shenzhen and Yangzhou, were pick up for case study as 10 most successful cities based on the rules of creativeness, the capability of sustainable development and quotable pattern.
Meanwhile, Chinese cities, especially those first line cities in mainland, rapidly climb on the ranking compared with their places two years ago. Shanghai jump from the 69th to the 41st, Beijing from the 70th to the 66th, and Shenzhen rises to the 64th from the 73rd. Besides, Macaw climbs from 78 to 80, while Taiwan and Hong Kong decrease to the 112th and the 26th from the 48th and the 19th.

27日,中国社会科学院在扬州发布《2007/2008年全球城市竞争力报告》,公布了世界最主要的500座城市竞争力最新排名,这是一份由全球近百名学者和北京大学等高校近百名研究生历经一年多时间完成的权威报告。中国社科院为何在扬州发布报告?中国共有多少城市进入 "500强"?江苏的城市又在其中占据怎样的席位?昨天,本报记者为此赶赴扬州进行了采访。



  倪鹏飞介绍,首次竞争力报告中只对全球110座城市进行综合比较和排名,这次骤增至500座,项目组还对全球150座城市进行了重点分析,对其中的10 座最具竞争力城市特别进行了案例研究,本次报告共使用了GDP规模、人均GDP、地均GDP、劳动生产率、跨国公司落户数、专利申请数、价格优势、经济增长率和就业率等9项指标,对全球500个城市的竞争力进行测度。

  报告发布,全球综合竞争力前20名的城市依次为:纽约、伦敦、东京、巴黎、华盛顿、洛杉矶、斯德哥尔摩、新加坡、旧金山、芝加哥、多伦多、首尔、波士顿、圣迭戈、奥克兰(美)、赫尔辛基、马德里、维也纳、费城、休斯敦。前 20名都是经济规模、发展水平、科技创新、经济控制力最强的城市,其中北美10个、欧洲7个、亚洲3个,这也权威地表明全球城市竞争力最强的区域依次是北美、欧洲和亚洲地区。


  中国共有59座城市入选500强,其中座次最靠前的5座城市为香港(26位)、上海(41)、深圳(64)、北京(66)和澳门(78)。记者了解到,经济增长前20名的城市主要为中国城市,在一些局部指数排名中,中国城市都有不俗的表现。跨国公司落户指数前10名中,北京、上海分列第9、10位;产业结构竞争力前10名的城市中,台北位列第8;人力资源竞争力前20名的城市中,北京排名第16;软件环境竞争力前10名的城市中,香港位居第3;全球联系竞争力前20名的城市中,上海排 14,香港17;值得一提的是,报告根据创新性、可持续性、可借鉴性的原则选取全球十个最成功的城市进行案例研究,中国占据两席,分别为深圳和扬州。

  令人瞩目的是,和两年前的排名相比,中国城市尤其是中国大陆一线城市的排名大幅攀升。上海从两年前的第69位跃居第41位,北京从第70位上升至第66 位,深圳由第73名变成第64名。两岸四地城市中,澳门从第80位进为第78位,台北、香港分别由两年前的第48名和第19名下滑至第112名和第26 名。

Friday, July 25, 2008

really confused

I exactly know: there are two mosquitos around me. I hate them.

Today I kill the time through watching TV show on YouKu site. There are one movie, a walk in the clouds, and a serial TV show, sex and the city. Now when I am going to close my computer, I really feel confused by what I received from actors.

This morning, in A Walk in The Clouds, the director shows me a wonderful image; there are beautiful scenes, commitment, true love, family. Everything looks easy to get and give, even in the end the director give a bright and very perfect future. I had thought maybe Paul will die on the way back to the Clouds or maybe the farm should be really hurt by that fire, but, neither of them happens. Too perfect to be believed.

And then when I continued to watch Sex and The City, which I have kept watching few days, I was thrown into another different world. Yes, there are so many needs, sex, betrayal, and too complicated relationship between men and women. What happen on these people like us? What we really want? Yes, there are a big problem with these girls like Carrie and Samatha. When everything is ok or too okay, they feel uncomfortable. They are used to ask ourselves "Are there something wrong?" and answer to themselves "definitely, there are something."
Though I do not like the end of the TV show, Carrie still choose Big, and lives of all of four women go into a normal orbit. So sad! You never can beat time and age. They always change you in cruel ways.

I think I should like the front, for it makes me feel better. But I choose the later for what it brings to me and hurts me with sharp and clam observation.
I do not feel good. Meanwhile, I have to go my own way.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

How to educate?

How to educate? Maybe we can change to another saying---how to help people pass the life-long tests? When we are children answer to it is easy, just get a high score in every test. But when people growing up, the situation become complex. How to define "the high score", a promotion or a happy life? And this criticism also turn back to the score that got in our school period. So what is a good teacher? we always get a unsaticfied feedback.
And how to be a good teacher? When I saw the film "the history boys", the question was knocking at me all the time. Frankly, I was suffering about that. Reasonaly, I know Irwin is better. If I was a headmaster, obviously, I will pick up the later, who is wise, knowing the test rules, handsome and easy-understood. As one of his students said, they know well what should to do in his class. But in some sense I like Hector more, even he was a homesexual. He is a deeper person who broke the ethnicl rule between students and teachers, he teach his boys to be a human being by dramtic practise(such as music, poems, fictions), he set an account for everybody and let them to be a shareholder in litertry world. Some day these boy are very old and memory what happen to them, Hector will be their spirit mentor, like "my capital". So those boys in that drama are so lucky ,they had the combination of two different teach-philosophy. In reality we need to balance what we should do for the long term and the shorter term.
At the students' position, to feel themselves or to obey others place them in a dilemma. It is a question that have not an easy and right answer. That always relay on why they need education and what they want in their life. The need always varies, so it is hard if make them decided their own choice. So for a peurile child listen to others is easier and less suffering. And for a strong self-awareness child, he/she may hope to hold themsleves. Basicly, there is a process, so different children have different stage which need are different,even who are same age.
So understanding is the most important things. Before complaining, teachers have to know the difference between each student,and student have to learn know more about themsleves to decide what is suitable, that is not that someone else say right or wrong but that they feel. If ruin a clock isnt happy to you, dont do that even your parents think it as a sign of brightness.
Hold the power of doing something , but dont forget another right of not doing something. To teach people know how to make a choice.
That's all I learned from several films, good will hunting, dead poets society, the history boys.

About freedom

I have an opinion that every work, article, film, speech and so on, has its own independent life, which will meet a right person at a right time at last. So if a famous work can't interest you, be patient, oneday you will find it.
The traffic problem coming tomorrow seem to be many probabilities. This afternoon I was very worried about the weather and really hated its cold.
Then I remind myself: shut the bad mood, and turn back to what you should do. Ok , let's open the "book" and read something great.
One of hundred greatest speechs is "I have a dream" from Dr. Martin Luther King. To be honest, I have read it at least three times, but no any sense about it. Just a famous speech.
But this time, a magic happened. Listening to the slow voice from Martin Luther I feel an excited heroic spirit. So powerful. One sentance by a sentance, tear fell down before I notice. Dr. Martin said :This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug ofgradualism. And what he want is total equality for different color citizen. He has a dream and he also have strong belief, which based the Independent Declaimation's promise of "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
He knew they,Negros get a black check be marked "insufficient funds." But he refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt and refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.
So because of their belife, they ask to cash the check. And he point out that right way for geting right result should insist. He said,In the process of gaining our rightful place, we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. "we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force."
And "With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.
With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.
With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together,to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. "
That's the power of word's rhythm. Amazing and enjoyful.
About the freedom, I have to share about another studywork, the film-The Shawshank Redemption, whick I has known for a long time but not yet watch because of my misunderstanding of war film. Absolutely, it is a shining film. In some sense the famous TV show break prison follow it ten year later.
Every minute we suffered is the hardest time for nowday and the most insignificant thing after you overcome. Maybe anybody dont really own their fates, just busy living or busy dying, two choice for life to the same termination. But at the long trip if you own something by your heart, nobody can rape if from you, like hope.
Share with you, my friend. Keep your dream and hope always, be peaceful, and pass by.
